Please see below for Paris Property Management’s terms and conditions of sale.

The general terms and conditions of sale are available online for information purposes only and are in no way contractual.


Paris Property Management (P.P.M.) is a SASU (simplified joint stock company) with capital of 1000 euros, whose registered office is located at 47, rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris. It is registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number 812 434 041. Paris Property Management is a service company offering rental assistance, housekeeping, maintenance and property surveillance services.

CLIENT” refers to the individual or legal entity benefiting from Paris Property Management’s services.

SERVICES” means the rental assistance, housekeeping, maintenance and surveillance services provided by Paris Property Management. HOME” means the CLIENT’s real estate property, either as a primary or secondary residence.

1 – Application of the general terms and conditions of sale

1.1 These general terms and conditions of sale are systematically sent to each CLIENT prior to any order being placed. Consequently, and unless otherwise agreed, placing an order implies the CUSTOMER’s full and unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions of sale, to the exclusion of any other document. Paris Property Management will not be bound by any other conditions, regardless of when they are brought to its attention, unless the CLIENT formally accepts them in advance in writing. The fact that Paris Property Management does not avail itself of any of the present general terms and conditions of sale at a given time may not be interpreted as a waiver of the right to avail itself of any of the present general terms and conditions of sale at a later date.

1.2 These general terms and conditions of sale may be modified without prior notice in the event of changes in commercial, social or fiscal legislation. Notification of such changes will be sent to the CLIENT as soon as possible.

2 – Services

2.1 Paris Property Management’s services are available to companies and individuals only by subscribing to a “basic monthly package”. The CLIENT may personalize this “basic monthly package” by subscribing to “à la carte services” which will therefore be provided by Paris Property Management on a monthly basis in addition to the services included in the “basic monthly package” detailed in 2.2. Subscription to the “basic monthly package” and, if applicable, to one or more “à la carte services” constitutes the CLIENT’s “monthly package”.

2.2 The “basic monthly package” includes the following services:

Custody and delivery of HOME keys.
Weekly mail collection
Scanning and forwarding of mail to the CLIENT by post or electronically.
Monthly general inspection of the HOME, lasting no more than one hour: check for leaks, signs of break-in, any damage, that appliances and installations are in good working order, and air the rooms in the HOME.

2.3 This “basic monthly package” may be supplemented by the following “à la carte services”:

Quick cleaning (vacuuming and dusting of all rooms in the HOME) before the arrival of the CLIENT, friends or tenants of the CLIENT.Grand ménage (thorough cleaning of all rooms in the home: vacuuming, washing floors, taps and mirrors, dusting, laundering sheets and towels) after the departure of the CLIENT, friends or tenants of the CLIENT (does not include laundry costs)Cleaning during stay (vacuuming, washing floors, taps and mirrors, dusting)
Purchase and delivery of groceries (on list, invoicing of service + amount of groceries)
Watering indoor and outdoor plants
Administrative and secretarial tasks (sending letters concerning day-to-day management of the HOME, telephone calls)
Management of subscription services (EDF/GDF, insurance, telephony, internet)
Receiving goods/orders at the CUSTOMER’S HOME
Home assistance: assistance requiring a specific approach (internet/TV etc.)
Organization and supervision of renovation work
Routine DIY work requiring no special technical skills.Repair/installation management
Assisting and representing the CLIENT at co-ownership meetings
Inspection of the HOME in addition to the monthly inspections included in the basic monthly package.
Travel arrangements (ticket reservation, car rental, valet parking, etc.)
Reservations for restaurants, theaters, cabs or any other service that does not require special arrangements
Installation and/or troubleshooting of IT or audiovisual equipment (installation management)
All these “à la carte” services are billed on an hourly basis, with reference to Paris Property Management’s price list (attached to the quote).
For reasons of material organization (travel, schedule optimization), all “à la carte” services must last at least one hour. Any service begun is due.
The basic monthly package and the “à la carte” services chosen by the CLIENT constitute a monthly “formula”.

3 – Terms and conditions of service

3.1 The CLIENT will personally benefit from the services and rates included in his “package”. In the event of total or partial non-use of these services, no reimbursement may be demanded by the CLIENT. Services are provided on the days and at the times agreed with the customer. However, it is specified that subscribing to a formula (“basic monthly package” and “à la carte services”) gives the CLIENT the right to access Paris Property Management’s services 5 days a week, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday to Friday, to carry out the services resulting from this subscription. Services performed on Saturdays, Sundays, at night (between 7.00 pm and 9.00 am) and on public holidays, whether included in the “package” chosen by the CLIENT or as part of a one-off request as defined in 3.2, are subject to a surcharge of 50% based on the prices mentioned in the price list attached to the quotation for “à la carte services”, which are defined in 2.3.

3.2 Any request for a specific service, which has not been chosen by the CLIENT as part of his “formula”, must be the subject of a prior request by telephone, email, post or fax, which must be received by Paris Property Management at least 72 hours in advance. Paris Property Management will inform the CLIENT within 24 hours of receipt of the request whether or not it will be able to provide the service in question.

4 – Practical terms, duration and commitment of the parties

4.1 All orders placed by the CLIENT will give rise to a preliminary estimate, which will be accompanied by Paris Property Management’s price list. Quotations are free of charge and the contract is deemed to have been formed upon acceptance by the CLIENT. The CLIENT may not cancel an order that has become firm and definitive.

4.2 As described in 2.1, Paris Property Management’s services are provided on the basis of a fixed monthly fee. The CLIENT may, however, indicate in his order his wish to subscribe to the formula he has chosen for a period of several months. In this case, the quotation will specify the duration of the services and the contract expiry date. At the CLIENT’s request, the quotation may also provide for tacit renewal of the contract under the same conditions and for the same duration. In this case, the CLIENT may terminate the contract one month before its expiry date, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. In the event of termination, the CLIENT shall remain liable for the remaining services and all outstanding invoices. No reimbursement will be made.

5 – Obligations of the parties

5.1 Paris Property Management undertakes to carry out the services with the utmost care and to comply with the CLIENT’s current standards and procedures. The CLIENT undertakes to do everything in its power to enable Paris Property Management to perform the contractually defined services.

5.2 The CLIENT will therefore hand over to Paris Property Management, on the day the contract is signed, all material enabling access to the HOME, such as a duplicate set of keys and any alarm code, the products required to carry out the services in accordance with current legislation, as well as its up-to-date contact details. In general, the CLIENT undertakes to do everything possible to enable Paris Property Management to carry out its services.

6 – Prices and payment for services

6.1 Services are provided at the prices and under the conditions specified in the quotation. Prices are in euros and include all taxes. However, Paris Property Management reserves the right to pass on any price increases resulting from conditions beyond its control.

6.2 Invoicing corresponds to the services rendered by Paris Property Management, which include, on the one hand, services resulting from the formula chosen by the CLIENT (“basic monthly package” and “à la carte services”) and, on the other hand, any ad hoc services requested by the client. Services will be invoiced according to the terms of the quote (quarterly, monthly, etc.). Payment must be made on receipt of the invoice by the CLIENT by cheque or bank transfer.

6.3 Any sum not paid by the due date will entail :”the payment of late payment interest at a rate equal to one and a half times the legal interest rate, in accordance with applicable regulations,”reimbursement to Paris Property Management of any bank charges incurred as a result of the rejection of the cheque, direct debit or bank transfer,”immediate payment of invoices not yet due,”the suspension or cancellation of all orders and services in progress.

Any invoice recovered by legal action will be increased by an indemnity fixed at 15% (fifteen percent) of the sums due, with a minimum of €100 (one hundred euros).

7 – Insurance and liability

7.1 Paris Property Management is the holder of a MAAF professional multi-risk insurance policy N° 175675333 N for the performance of its activity.

7.2 The CLIENT is responsible for insuring all risks and direct or indirect damage that may affect all of its equipment and installations and declares that it is and will be, for the entire duration of the present contract, covered by all insurance policies in accordance with current practice, particularly with regard to its civil liability to third parties.7.3 Paris Property Management may only be held liable in the event of fault on its part and its insurance is limited to the reimbursement of goods which may be damaged by Paris Property Management or in the event of loss or theft of an object. Any damage found must be reported by telephone or in writing within 48 hours of the service concerned.7.4 Paris Property Management cannot be held liable in the event of fault, negligence, omission or default on the part of the CLIENT, force majeure, events or incidents beyond the control of Paris Property Management such as malicious intent on the part of a third party, social unrest, public calamity, fault, negligence or omission on the part of a third party over whom Paris Property Management has no power of control or supervision.

7.4 By express agreement between the parties, Paris Property Management is only subject to an obligation of means and under no circumstances to an obligation of results.

8 – Jurisdiction and disputes

8.1 These general terms and conditions of sale and all the services referred to herein are governed by French law.

8.2 Any dispute or litigation relating to the interpretation and execution of these general terms and conditions of sale shall be brought before the competent courts.

47, rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris, France

+33 6 14 46 00 37

47, rue des Acacias 75017
Paris, France
+33 6 14 46 00 37