General Conditions of Sale

We invite you read Paris Property Management general conditions of sale.
The following conditions are available on line for your information but are not considered as

contractual whatsoever. They have been translated from French to English.


Paris Property Management (P.P.M.) is a French SASU with a share capital of 1000 Euros, having its registered office at 47, rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris, France. It is registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Paris under number 812 434 041. Paris Property Management is a service company which offers rental assistance, property management and maintenance.

Paris Property Management, the provider of the above mentioned services, hereafter referred to as P.P.M. The personal or legal entity beneficiary of the services provided by P.P.M hereafter referred to as the “CLIENT”. The rental assistance, property management and maintenance services provided by PPM hereafter referred to as SERVICES. The CLIENT’s main or secondary residence, subject of this contract, will be referred to hereafter as the PROPERTY. The agreement binding P.P.M and the CLIENT will be referred to hereafter as the CONTRACT.

1 – Application of the general conditions of sale
1.1 The following general conditions of sale are automatically provided to each CLIENT before entering into a CONTRACT. Therefore once the agreement is accepted and signed by the CLIENT, he is bound by the following general terms of sale without exception, unless otherwise agreed and specified in writing, excluding any other document. No additional or modifying conditions can be imposed on PPM by the CLIENT or vice versa without prior agreement in writing and signed by both parties. The fact that P.P.M doesn’t prevail itself, at any given time, of any of the following general terms of sale, cannot be interpreted as waiving the ability to prevail itself of such thereafter.

1.2 In case of adjustments of the commercial, social and fiscal legislation, the following general terms of sale can be changed without notice. The CLIENT will be informed of the modifications as soon as possible.

2 – Services
2.1 Paris Property Management services are available to a personal or a legal entity exclusively upon subscription to a “Basic Monthly Fee” with the possibility of additional services to be chosen from the list of “Optional Services “.

2.2 “Basic Monthly Fee” includes the following services:

Safekeeping and making keys to the PROPERTY available when required.
Check the post once a week
Scan and send the important documents to the CLIENT by email
General inspection of the PROPERTY once a month (for maximum an hour per inspection)
2.3 ” Optional Services “. Any of the following can be added to the “Basic Monthly Fee “:

Quick cleaning of the PROPERTY before the arrival of the CLIENT, friends or tenants of the CLIENT: vaccum and dusting in each room of the PROPERTY
Big cleaning of the PROPERTY after the departure of the CLIENT, the friends or tenants of the CLIENT: vaccum, wash floors, dusting, clean bathroom and kitchen elements, disinfection of WCs, mirrors, wash sheets and towels (in each room of the PROPERTY) does not include the laundry costs
Cleaning during the stay: vaccum, wash floors, dusting, disinfection of WCs.
Food shopping ( charged service + shopping bills)
Watering exterior and interior plants
Administrative/Private Assistant tasks (write and send letters regarding the standard management of the PROPERTY, phone calls)
Look after service contracts (EDF/GDF, insurance, phone, internet etc.)
Assistance at your property: any help we provide at your property that requires a specific approach
Inventory of the property: Detailed inventory at check-in and check-outs of tenants (meter readings)
Receipt of home deliveries: furniture, appliances, etc.
Organisation and supervision of renovation work (This service is not charged per hour but charged as a flat rate which includes all the tasks and time spent relevant to the service)
Small maintenance tasks not requiring any specific technical skills (management of the service does not include the cost for the work)
Represent the CLIENT’S rights at co ownership meetings
Inspection of the PROPERTY other than the inspections included in the monthly assistance
Organisation of trips: booking of flights, car rentals, hotel rooms etc. (no hourly fee is predetermined for this service, it’s cost will be fixed and agreed upon with the CLIENT)
Restaurant reservation, theater, taxis or any service which does not require any special task.
Urgent repairs (plumber, electrician, locksmith etc.).
Installation of computer, Hi Fi, TV equipment etc. (management of the service).
The above “Optional Services” will be charged based on a hourly rate according to Paris Property Management’s “Price list” included with the contract.
For practical reasons, all optional services have a minimum charge based on no less than ONE HOUR. Charges will be computed based on a full hour. Fractions thereof will be rounded up.
The “Basic Monthly Fee” together with the options selected by the CLIENT from the “Optional Services” constitutes the “Monthly Formula”.

3 – Conditions Determining How Services Are To Be Used And Performed.
3.1 The CLIENT will be entitled personally to the rates and services included in his “Formula”. In case services are not used or only partially in any given month, the CLIENT will not be entitled to a refund or a credit. SERVICES are performed on the days and at the time agreed upon with the CLIENT. However, it is specified that the Formula subscribed to by the CLIENT (“Basic Monthly Service” plus selected services from “Optional Services”) gives the CLIENT the privilege to have access to P.P.M services 5 days a week from 9h00 to 19h00, from Monday to Friday for the services included in the CLIENT’s “Monthly Formula”. Services performed on Saturdays, Sundays, after 19h, or on bank holidays, whether included in the CLIENT’s Monthly Formula or upon specific request as described in §3.2 will be billed at 1.5 (one and a half ) times the rates listed in the “Optional Services price list” as defined in §2.3.

3.2 Any specific request concerning a service not included in a CLIENT’s “Monthly Formula” must be made to P.P.M by any of the following means: phone (followed by an email), fax, email, or post at least 72 hours before the date on which the service is requested.
P.P.M will answer the CLIENT within 24 hours after having received the request as to the feasibility of fulfilling it.

4 – Other Information, Time and Obligations for the Parties.
4.1 When a potential CLIENT requests a contract for services, it will be sent to him together with a preliminary estimate including P.P.M’s “Basic Monthly Fee” and the “optional services price list”. Estimates are free and the CONTRACT is deemed to be accepted after it has been signed by the CLIENT and received by P.P.M. Thereafter the CLIENT cannot cancel his order which has become final.

4.2 As stated in §2.1 services supplied by P.P.M are performed on the basis of a monthly fee. In his original CONTRACT, the CLIENT can state that he is choosing a specific formula for a specified number of months. The CONTRACT will then spell out the period of time during which the services are to be performed and the date on which the CONTRACT ends. The estimate can also contain a clause whereby the CONTRACT is renewed tacitly upon the expiration date. In this case, the CLIENT can notify PPM that he is not renewing the CONTRACT and must do so in writing by Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested at least one month before the expiration date of the CONTRACT. In case the CLIENT cancels the CONTRACT, he remains liable for all services and all bills arising from the CONTRACT until its expiration date. There will be no refund.

5 – Obligations
5.1 Paris Pproperty Management is obligated to perform its services with all the care necessary and to act according to the CLIENT’s specific instructions. The CLIENT is obligated to allow PPM to perform its duties as defined in the CONTRACT.

5.2 Therefore on the day the contract is signed, the CLIENT will make available to PPM all equipment and devices allowing access to the PROPERTY such as a set of keys, the alarm code, all equipment and cleaning materials necessary for the performance of the services, as well as updated information concerning the address and telephone number(s) where the CLIENT can be currently reached. More generally the CLIENT has the duty to take all necessary steps to enable PPM to perform its services.

6 – Price and Payment of Services
6.1 Services are performed at the price and under the conditions mentioned in the estimate. Prices are quoted in Euros, taxes included. PPM has the right to modify prices when due to increases over which it has no control.

6.2 The billing covers the services performed by P.P.M. It is comprised of services covered by the formula selected by the CLIENT (Basic Monthly Fee and Optional Services) as well as specific occasional services requested by the CLIENT. The services will be billed according to the conditions spelled out in the estimate (quarterly, monthly etc.). Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice by the CLIENT and must be made by bank check, bank transfer or direct withholding from the CLIENT’s checking account.

6.3 Any amount past due will automatically result in the following:

Accrual of a late payment interest based on one and a half time the legal interest rate as determined at the time by the applicable legislation.
Reimbursement to P.P.M of all bank fees or penalties incurred by PPM due to checks returned unpaid, or default on direct fund withholding or on wire transfer on the part of the CLIENT.
Immediate payment of all bills non yet due.
Suspension or cancellation of all current order(s) and services.
All invoices collected by means of litigation will be increased by the larger of 15% of all sums owed or 100 Euros.

7- Insurance and liabilities
7.1 Paris Property Management (P.P.M) carries an insurance policy MAFF N°175675333 N covering its professional liability in the performance of its professional duties and obligations.

7.2 The CLIENT is responsible for carrying an insurance covering all direct or indirect risks or damages which might affect equipment and fixtures on his PROPERTY and declares that he is and will be, during the entire duration of this contract, carrying all insurance policies in conformity with the applicable laws and regulations, particularly as his liability to third parties is concerned.

7.3 P.P.M’s responsibility is strictly limited to a fault on its part and it will be liable only for the reimbursement of property damaged by P.P.M or in case of loss or theft of the property attributable to P.P.M’s fault. Any damage observed must be notified by telephone or in writing within 24 hours of the service performed.

7.4 In no event can P.P.M’s liability be engaged when there is fault, negligence, omission or failure on the part of the CLIENT, force majeure, events or incidents outside of P.P.M’s control such as willful wrongdoing, riots, public calamities, fault, negligence, or third party’s omission on whom P.P.M has no control or supervision.

7.5 Parties agree expressly that P.P.M is strictly subject through the present CONTRACT to an obligation of means and in no way an obligation of results.

8- Competence and Litigation
8.1 The general conditions of sale as well as all the services described herein are governed by French law.

8.2 All dispute and/or litigation arising from the interpretation or the execution of the general conditions of sale herein will be litigated in a French court.

47, rue des Acacias, 75017 Paris, France

+33 6 14 46 00 37

47, rue des Acacias 75017
Paris, France
+33 6 14 46 00 37